Ninth Hell

Riddle Hellp - Level 10

drkn - 2007-02-26, 01:38
: Post subject: Level 10
I > MAd
at least for now
Kaldrick - 2007-03-01, 17:32
Once again, I'm stuck. I'm sure I'm a bit (maybe more than a bit :P ) annoying, while posting here again and again, but... I got nothing here, and I dunno where to go. I was trying to find something about numbers in circle, and got nothing. I found a 'circle' word in picture, but it gives me nothing. Any help?
I've found the blanks in the --- number, but I dunno what to do with'em. Many weird combinations with numbers that should be there gave me nothing.
Beezqp - 2007-03-01, 19:08
There is something wrong with the number, isn't there?

Maybe you should find a way to repair it...


And I have noticed a google hint in the source
Kaldrick - 2007-03-01, 19:13
I've got those 7 numbers from blanks, but I dunno what to do with'em. Messin' with'em at google gives me nothing, same as messing with any other part of the riddle.
Beezqp - 2007-03-01, 19:30
There is a hint, that haven't been useful yet...
shisha2win - 2007-05-08, 01:44
Hi we stuck in lvl 10. We [---] got the 7 Numbers and we added them toghether got a number like 72 and got 9 out of it (only an example) but now we dont know what to do...

<! I of the Insanity>

Dont know if thats the hint we havn`t found..

We have realy no idea how to manage with the number we got.

Can you please give us any informations how to solve it?

Beezqp - 2007-05-08, 10:46
The numbers are important as they are. Just use the hint you've found on them ;]
shisha2win - 2007-05-08, 21:38
We still stuck and have no idea what to do.. we tried it with "Slayer" and all stuff but still nothing...
Beezqp - 2007-05-09, 00:50
I of the Insanity...
Muzozavr - 2007-05-11, 09:08
I'm stuck on the same place.
However, I only remember the final number, the one after summing. If the blankfillers are important, could someone please PM me? I don't want to go through that all over again. :mrgreen:
paFci0 - 2007-05-11, 12:46
I'm afraid you'll have to :P Beezqp said somewhere that this long text in source code is important... but not in this level :P You need more than one number. When "I of the Insanity" will occur to you, you will know why :P
Dexil - 2007-05-21, 22:24
mmm I repaired the number..

I am also ignoring the summation of the number as it is said in the source code.

So the only thing that is left is the hint <! I of the Insanity>.

I have been trying to figure out what it means for a while now and how we can use the numbers we got to get the next word.

Any chance for an extra hint ?
Beezqp - 2007-05-22, 00:38
There's one more thing that is connected to numbers in the riddle. It's so obvious that you may ignore it, but it's there... Use it and connect with <! I of the Insanity>... That's all.
Muzozavr - 2007-05-22, 10:51
Duh... it was so simple.
For others:

H is for help.
Beezqp - 2007-05-22, 13:15
That's right, but not as important as I of the Insanity...
Muzozavr - 2007-05-22, 13:36
Why? :-? It points to the same thing.
paFci0 - 2007-05-22, 13:54
I guess Beezqp mean I of the Insanity is just in riddle. Yours is not ;]
And "H is for help" don't point exactly the same idea.

btw. if it's spoil (it can be) - cut cut cut ^^
Beezqp - 2007-05-22, 13:56

End this offtop, it doesn't help - may only mislead ;-)
clee - 2007-07-02, 20:04
I have 6 numbers and I have read there are 7 blanks where is the 7th one I was using them on the source clue but I guess I need that 7th blank number I'm lost and going blind with this level please a I on track or should i stand on my head for 3 hours and try again????? :P
Beezqp - 2007-07-02, 20:25
Find the 7th blank, it's visible, just look more carefully
clee - 2007-07-02, 22:15
Okay found the 7 blanks and now you feed me an egg that I see but don't see clue me in on this egg!!!

I was hoping you would not say this no egg for 10 I used it with the numbers I found . The first 3 looked like a word and tried it and put me on the egg page, I can't figure out. like I need a key for it, guess it is back to 10 proper and keep working (I'm sad)
Beezqp - 2007-07-02, 22:51

What egg?
Muzozavr - 2007-08-03, 13:30
There are no eggs for level 10.
You see, one problem of those games is that it's possible to accidently go too far. It happens. Rarely, but happens.

Everything you may need is on the page itself or in the source...
perfectspiral - 2007-08-14, 09:00
Grrr I've gotten this far pretty smoothly but now I'm stuck...Ok, i have the 7 numbers, but I'm completely lost after that :/ Don't know what to do with the I of insanity thing, or the whole "ignored" bit in the source...any help would be greatly appreciated as I am uber frustrated at the moment lol
I have a feeling the answer's really obvious and I'm just missing it...
Tynka - 2007-08-14, 09:55
write down what you have in different ways and then think about insanity ;)
Sertabu - 2007-08-14, 12:24
Hi All
My name is Sergey
I`m from Lvov, Ukraine
Listen I have a question concerning with the 10th level of this riddle
Look here what I've got
(---) Do not post so much information. Instead of giving everyone part of the solution, just say "I've got the numbers/letters, what should I do now?" It's far safer, than posting possible spoils.
Can smb give me any info in help???
Thks in advance

OK I understand but...will be here any info for me :roll:
Beezqp - 2007-08-15, 00:35
Just read all the hints above and find something for yourself ;)

I of the Insanity includes all the info you need ;)
Reila - 2007-09-07, 03:37
I am completely, absolutely horribly stuck on what I of the Insanity refers to. The only thing that comes to mind are pleas of insanity in a court defense and dates for the numbers, but I read that everything was on the page and source code so I wouldn't have to search Google for some weird, out of the way criminal case.

I think I'm thinking too hard about something that should be simple. But its been haunting me for 2 days. :oops:
Beezqp - 2007-09-07, 11:06
Hard not to spoil about I of Insanity xO Try not finding the meaning of it but looking on...
pepez - 2007-09-09, 22:58
is the hint mentioned earlier that says ' there is one more connection between the numbers and letters' anything to do with the One-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight-nine standing above the I for insanity...?? Cause I really dont get the clue..
paFci0 - 2007-09-09, 23:49
Of course it has sth to do.
If you don't catch I for Insanity - think about it. When you notice (eyes are better than brain) what it is about, use it well.

You have numbers, you want letters. You want letters from numbers. You use hints. You solve it. You have no more choice. ^^
pepez - 2007-09-10, 10:49
got it, thnx..
rbspartan - 2007-09-10, 18:56
I give up!!!
I have the numbers... and have read all the help... and the HELP doesn't make any sense to me. Do I need to refer to a previous riddle?

Otherwise I will have to quit this quest :x
paFci0 - 2007-09-10, 20:03
No. All you need to solve is in this level. And it's really hard to help more without telling answer.

I of Insanity.

How to get letters from numbers basing on "I of Insanity"?
rbspartan - 2007-09-11, 17:20
Sorry... you've said nothing that hadn't been said before... no help.
Email me if you can slap me across the head with a 2x4
Raidmaster - 2007-09-13, 15:54
Game Requirements:
>>Patience & determination - to enjoy the game


Take a break, read hints again. Only one step left.
Garant - 2007-10-27, 07:02
I understand I of Insanity, however, no one is giving any hints on how to get the numbers in the first place. I see seven rows of numbers, with some blanks in the rows. The numbers appear random, as there is no consistent pattern in their arrangement. any help here?
paFci0 - 2007-10-27, 09:29
RANDOM NUMBERS?! WTF?! *uh, just breath... just breath...*
Man... How to say... It's one of --- :|
Black Unicorn - 2007-10-27, 13:54

Quatratur of the circle ;)


After sove a level it seems allways easy.
But to find the point to begin is somtimes hard.
Sorry, but sometimes I feel real stupid at this riddle. :/
paFci0 - 2007-10-27, 14:10
Black Unicorn - yeah, I have the same feeling sometimes... But, you should recognize that number even if someone arise you at 2AM :!:
Black Unicorn - 2007-10-27, 14:31

Not everybody is a mathematics supporter.
Even am for certain, the least. I found only the comment a little intense above.
Particularly if one already feels anyway stupid.

Excuse me, I have a protector syndrome ;)
Beezqp - 2007-10-29, 14:42
circle kills, circle helps... choose your destiny
Jazzie - 2007-11-18, 03:07
we repaired the number.
we get the 7 blanks.
found <I of Insanity> but don't get what it means.
what do we apply the numbers to?
Tynka - 2007-11-18, 12:16
you have numbers but you need letters

<I of Insanity> tells you how to get letters from numbers
Strati - 2007-11-24, 20:41
Hint Circle - Sixty °
_i of Insanity
P47ri(k - 2007-12-04, 06:35
Tynka wrote:
you have numbers but you need letters

<I of Insanity> tells you how to get letters from numbers
It isn't telling me....

Edit: Got it right after I posted! 8)
Mongoose - 2008-07-10, 04:48
Does it have to do with that there are two of a certain letter in Insanity and two of a certain number in the filled-in number?
Strati - 2008-07-10, 06:04
No, not that.
independencesam - 2008-08-26, 05:27
Those numbers were taken from Hell :) Sorta... there were some variations. But not when it mattered.

Am I right? It's Hell...

[ Added: 2008-08-25, 22:57 ]
I can't figure this out to save my sanity. Seriously. Pun intended and everything.

Are you wanting me to write the numbers in different ways? Write this 'I of Insanity' in different ways? How am I suppose to get these numbers into letters? (yeah I know the last question won't be answered)

How much of the adding 1+2+3+4=1+0=1st is important? What's with this circle and the 9 digits? Is circle really important?

I'm so lost it's ridiculous. Maybe someone can give me a hint that's worthwhile. Please :) Something... anything... that hasn't been said a million times in different ways emphasizing what I already read and cannot get.

*sigh* Sorry. I'm just frustrated.

Please... this time I'm saying 'H' as in I need 'HELP'.
Tynka - 2008-08-26, 09:10
ignore means ignore ;) circle hint will be useful in the future...

focus on numbers... write them, read them, remember about Insanity hint ;)
independencesam - 2008-08-26, 17:18
O-m-g... I finally got it... and how it all works together...

For those who might need hints in the future:
Think about 'I of Insanity' and the 'one-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight-nine'. How might those two clues work together?

If that's too much of a hint then please cut!

Thanks :)
vard - 2008-08-26, 22:53
personally, it gave me nothing. I had no idea how to connect these two things together until Tynka gave me a bigger hint.:)
Brushstroke - 2008-09-17, 05:59
You all have been talking about how the "I of the Insanity" helps you get letters from numbers...

legobenj - 2008-09-17, 08:08
Don't think too hard. I of the Insanity, something of the numbers from the picture.
vard - 2008-09-17, 11:42
how can you get 'i' from 'insanity'? do the same with what you got.
Brushstroke - 2008-09-17, 22:59
Gahhh! I feel so stupid.

How can you get "i" from "insanity"? I don't know...take out the i's? How does one get "I" from Insanity? I still don't understand how "I of the Insanity" relates to the seven numbers I got from the blank spaces in the picture.

Should I PM someone? >_>
Beezqp - 2008-09-17, 23:17
Yes, PM someone because better hint is not for the publics ;)
vard - 2008-09-18, 00:38
stop thinking about the riddle as a whole, ask yourself a question: "Does 'i' have anything to do with 'insanity'? what?" answer it like a 6-year old, learning to read and write.
Brushstroke - 2008-09-18, 05:24

I still have nothing. I have the numbers, I have the letters they correspond to (maybe I do, I'm not sure they even correspond to any letters?), but they don't make any word that I've ever seen. Is there some hint that I'm missing? I think I know what I of the Insanity means, but what I think it means apparently doesn't help me.

Someone PM me or something. :(
legobenj - 2008-09-18, 07:40
Use I of the insanity on your letters. Simple conversion. You'll kick yourself when you get it. :P
vard - 2008-09-18, 13:16
the letters correspond to the numbers in the same way 'i' corresponds to 'insanity'. (isn't it too big hint?..)
legobenj - 2008-09-18, 13:23
I would spoil it if I were them. :P
SupertonC90 - 2008-09-18, 19:19
Please help me, I`ve tried everything, and I`ve went in abstract..... I got the seven digit number, based on assumption that the digits are missing parts of a ---, and not on that ignored gibberish. And now for "I of insanity" WHAT? insanity has ---, what do I do with that? how is it relative to number? How do I get letters? from insanity? what do I use to get letters? I`ve tried every combination and even tried phoning the number :shock:
Tynka - 2008-09-18, 19:23
you have two hints in the source... connect them ;)
SupertonC90 - 2008-09-18, 19:38
what? that which needs to be ignored or the one after? and the one after gives me just the number of spaces....
Beezqp - 2008-09-18, 19:52
Insanity has only one ---

oh dear, Tynka, cut my spoiler, plz
Tynka - 2008-09-18, 20:05
Beezqp wrote:
Insanity has only one ---

oh dear, Tynka, cut my spoiler, plz

You cannot edit/delete an administrator's posts, sorry. :P
Beezqp - 2008-09-18, 20:07
ok, i made it myself. now feel really better
SupertonC90 - 2008-09-18, 20:10
OMG thx, I think I`ve tried that oncebut didn`t spell it right in url :mrgreen:
then I`ve tried everything else and went nuts :P
Brushstroke - 2008-09-19, 03:17
I'm starting to get a bit angry about this...and probably a bit annoying to you guys.

But I have my letters that I got from the numbers...someone in here said to use "I of the Insanity" on my letters...I still haven't been able to make any connection between the I of the word insanity and my letters. Someone slap me on the head with a 2x4 or something. >_>

[ Added: 2008-09-18, 20:30 ]
Maybe I have the wrong letters?
legobenj - 2008-09-19, 05:28
vard's post at the top of the page is probably the biggest hint you can get. (I would have spoiled it. :P )
Brushstroke - 2008-09-19, 06:16


*kicks self*

I can't believe I missed that! lol!
legobenj - 2008-09-19, 06:17
CU in 11.
Mirgurth - 2008-10-26, 16:40
After read the topic i found the answer in 2 minutes. It's to spoily
kcl1712 - 2009-01-02, 17:02
hi all.

Stuck like hell on level 10, can i pm the numbers i got to someone to check i've got the right ones? as i'm getting nothing from them, and it's been driving me nuts for about a week.
Tynka - 2009-01-02, 17:06
kcl1712 wrote:
can i pm the numbers i got to someone to check i've got the right ones?

Beezqp - 2009-01-02, 17:07
of course you can.

it's ironic to stuck like hell in hell, isnt it.
pappous12 - 2009-01-15, 00:59
hi everyone.... it's been 4 days since i'm on level 10.... i've read the posts and i think i'm driving my self to insanity with this "i of insanity".... please.... help.... i don't know how to connect the numbers with that phrase... :cry:
Beezqp - 2009-01-15, 01:01
the point is that you CAN'T connect numbers with this phrase
pappous12 - 2009-01-15, 01:05
i think now i went insane.... :roll:
so why do you say all the time "i of insanity"????
please.... help........ i am dying.... oh.... the world..... (<- went insane)
Beezqp - 2009-01-15, 02:08
it can be connected with something else that numbers may turn into some way...
pappous12 - 2009-01-15, 03:24
can you pm me on how i'm going to change the numbers to letters?
Beezqp - 2009-01-15, 10:53
you PM first with the numbers you have
DietMoose - 2009-01-19, 01:24
Ok, stuck again.
I understand the letter and number connection, and I think I even understand I of the insanity... But I just can't think of the answer.
I think I'm just over analyzing it.
I have the missing numbers. But when I try to make a word out of it...It just doesn't make sense.
Tynka - 2009-01-19, 09:50
you shouldn't have problems if your numbers are correct and you understand hints...

so, check numbers or change your idea about Insanity ;)
DietMoose - 2009-01-19, 21:58
Wow...I finally got it, right as I was walking away from my computer in frustration...
How did I miss something so simple.
Beezqp - 2009-01-19, 23:02
DietMoose wrote:
How did I miss something so simple.

yes, it's all your fault.
DietMoose - 2009-01-19, 23:22
Beezqp wrote:
yes, it's all your fault.

Thanks for the support, buddy.
Beezqp - 2009-01-20, 00:58
hahaha, it's only me, ignore this, you will get used to :lol:
DietMoose - 2009-01-20, 02:52
No, No. I don't think I will.
iznotgood - 2009-01-25, 16:27
Im stupid aswel i think.
I really dont get it.
I got the blanks.

I of Insanity. Do i have to remove the letters that are once innit to get s a t y (stay) ?

I = 1 =eye = ?

I dont get it.. :x
Beezqp - 2009-01-25, 17:39
I is I. Insanity is somehow marked with I.
PaulLePaul - 2009-02-04, 16:35
Edit: Ok i got it. was mislead by < start ignoring here> ;)
Aishiteru - 2009-06-18, 19:38
Still stuck on lvl 10 after reading this whole thread..
How do you get the 7 numbers?
paFci0 - 2009-06-19, 06:02
Something missing?
Aishiteru - 2009-06-19, 15:58
I see the open spaces on the picture.. but how to fill them in?
Xanax - 2009-06-19, 17:57
This number... Isn't it familiar?
Aishiteru - 2009-06-19, 19:09
I finally got it! :shock: Thanks for the help. I can't believe I didn't think of that before..
Babitz - 2009-07-05, 16:06
I'm kind of stuck here right now. I have the numbers, but i don't get the connection with "I of the Insanity". :(
Beezqp - 2009-07-05, 18:17
think about this word technically
Babitz - 2009-07-05, 22:50
Omg, i was looking the whole time through a wrong perspective.
But i got it in the end. I just needed to recognize that one other hint.
a5h19 - 2009-08-12, 03:04
Can someone send a PM on how to solve this one? My friends and I have been stuck on this one for a while.
paFci0 - 2009-08-12, 11:33
No one will send you solution. You can just ask more precisely by PM and then get maybe more straight hint. But no solution will be given, no matter how long you're stuck.
th3reaper - 2009-08-12, 17:07
Hmm, I've thought about this for a good ten to twenty minutes now and still can't seem to connect I of the Insanity and the numbers. read through the posts and still not getting it. Not sure if the numbers are wrong but everything i've tried doesn't seem to work.
Tynka - 2009-08-12, 19:16
ten to twenty minutes?

keep trying :D it's not so hard...
Cotterbot - 2009-08-13, 08:41
I've found the numbers missing, I just don't know how to get letters from them. I keep reading "I of the Insanity" but honestly, it's only confusing me more. I cannot connect the numbers and the quote together.

Any nudges on how "I of the Insanity" can get me some letters out of these numbers?
Beezqp - 2009-08-13, 15:31
Eye is very specific part of Insanity, isn't it
Muzozavr - 2009-08-13, 15:49

Ignore the "eye" in his post, it should've been "I is very specific part of Insanity". Seriously, trying to use "eye" instead of "I" will only confuse you.
Cotterbot - 2009-08-13, 16:04
I think I'm looking at this far too literally. I still have no idea how to get letters from the numbers I found.

I'm meant to ignore the paragraph,
Obviously I of the Insanity is important,
How important is one-two-three...etc?
The blank at the bottom of the source page, how important is that?
The word hidden by darkness at the bottom of the picture, is that of any use?

And I of the Insanity, I still don't understand, am I to use a usual abc123 code? I can't spell any words out of the numbers I've found.
Beezqp - 2009-08-13, 16:24
How important is one-two-three...etc?

very. answer cant be number, can it?
Xanax - 2009-08-13, 16:25
Well, you should look at this problem VERY literally, especially on numbers that you have. ;)
dummyisdumb - 2009-09-03, 06:15
Done Done Done

On to level 11.

Oh and main thing for this level guys, Please ignore the part you have to ignore. I lost a good few hours on that. :lol:
Josdell - 2009-09-07, 19:55
: Post subject: FML
Okay, so i got the 7 digits, now i have no idea how to connect "I of the Insanity" to "One-two-three...". help.

Somebody mentioned H is for help.
It sounds like a letter stands for something, is it like ---?
Somebody send me a PM please with something more straightforward than can be said on these forums :D please?
dummyisdumb - 2009-09-07, 19:56
You don't need a PM you just said the solution. ;)
yamiza - 2009-09-20, 16:39
OMG... extremely clever level! This is very good...

Extra hint, delete if spoily...

Fill in the blanks, then read it out loud! XD
thebigbad - 2009-10-19, 18:41
people never learn to ignore, took me an hour because of my stubbornness.. ^^
dummyisdumb - 2009-10-20, 00:19
thebigbad wrote:
people never learn to ignore, took me an hour because of my stubbornness.. ^^

took me a lot longer than an hour!
lucernakarika - 2010-01-29, 16:07
Okay, does anyone still post here? I can't even figure out how to fill the blanks. I think I'd understand how to turn the numbers into letters, but I have no numbers! Where do those numbers come from? Are they in the source? On the page? On the picture? :/ I read all the hints in this topic word by word and I'm still stuck... can somebody give me a hint?

Great game by the way, makes me feel stupider than ever :D
Tynka - 2010-01-29, 16:50
you know this number on the picture ;) at least a part of it...
lucernakarika - 2010-01-29, 17:29
Do I need to look harder or think harder?
Xanax - 2010-01-29, 17:32
I'm pretty sure that you should know this number from school, but searching can also help. ;)
m380ll34 - 2010-01-30, 12:39
i think this will be very close to spoiling it
math and circles
and the magical number that works every thing about them
lucernakarika - 2010-01-30, 12:57
Oh my god, this is brilliant! I want to slap myself, thanks for the help :mrgreen:
hangups - 2010-08-01, 20:50
I can't grasp 'I of Insanity'

I definitely don't want the answer - just a hint. Maybe a NEW hint - or just a shove in the right direction.
Beezqp - 2010-08-01, 21:38
i am happy that despite all those hints one may still have problems with I of Insanity.
SupertonC90 - 2010-08-09, 00:10
I can`t believe I started the riddle all over again, and yet again I got stuck on the same lvl 10 for hours..... Dum, dum, dum....

For those still having trouble:

Insanity is just a hint, numbers ARE the answer.
Stray - 2010-08-30, 18:42
wait, now I'm confused. I have seven numbers, I assume I'm supposed to do something with them, i.e convert them into letters? But using what as a guide?
puzzle - 2010-08-30, 19:12
One-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight-nine is a very good hint.
paFci0 - 2010-08-30, 19:12
Your assumptions are correct. Your guide is I of the Insanity. Just use what you got.
Stray - 2010-08-31, 15:29
Oh, great. I was really taking I of the Insanity TOO literally if that's even possible. The answer jumped out at me when I wrote down that list ---
CMH - 2010-09-11, 19:41
Is anyone still playing this riddle??? Can I PM someone with the numbers I have just to see if they are correct, been at this level for days.

Beezqp - 2010-09-11, 20:07
of course nobody plays, do you see anyone here? ;o

and noone will send you PM. we can answer one but why shall we send? :p
Mongoose - 2010-09-13, 22:01
Go ahead and PM me, if you still need to.
gemgembabes - 2010-11-12, 01:41
im stuck on this level. i have numbers and letters but nonsense :/
could someone check what i have please??
Xanax - 2010-11-12, 02:30
Send PM with what you've got.
Tazaa - 2011-02-15, 10:34
: Post subject: stuck
Hello, is people still playing here?
Kinda stuck with this lvl, could I pm someone with the numbers I came up with?
vard - 2011-02-15, 10:55