Ninth Hell

Riddle Hellp - Level 7

MAd Phantom - 2007-02-25, 23:59
: Post subject: Level 7
Wheee... another one ;p
Bru - 2007-03-02, 22:43
Any hints? What these colours means?
Beezqp - 2007-03-02, 23:03
You should rather ask: what are these colours in fact?
Bru - 2007-03-02, 23:11
It dont helped me, now its more difficult :D
Beezqp - 2007-03-02, 23:17
What does the hint in the source say? 7th after 6th? What could it have in common with colours?
Bru - 2007-03-02, 23:23
I quess what it can be but what with the next part of source hint? These last words?;o
Beezqp - 2007-03-02, 23:33
You will see.
Bru - 2007-03-02, 23:40
I think its something wrong with me :-D If it isnt something optical (dont know how to describe it:D) on the sky I dont know what it can be :-? And how its connected with picture..
Beezqp - 2007-03-03, 00:22
Focus on the riddle "theme" and the features connected to it. 7th after 6th? That's what all the mess is about.
Muzozavr - 2007-05-10, 15:00
Now those clues can be quite misleading, Beezqp! :-x
Hint: there is an oddity... the first thing is to notice it, the second is to use it to your advantage.
Beezqp - 2007-05-10, 19:21
They may be a bit misleading, I just say how the level was intended to be solved in the proper way of thinking ;)
Sadamitsu - 2007-05-16, 16:17
omg. I try to filter some colours of the picture but with not effect :(
Beezqp - 2007-05-16, 16:18
No graphic editor is needed... It's about something else...
paFci0 - 2007-05-16, 16:33
It's about something else... So odd, that you have to use your brain, no computer :P
Sadamitsu - 2007-05-16, 20:59
I'm so stupid. My brain will explode in a cople of minutes.
I can't sleep. I must found the way.
6 and 7. but there is only six colors in that spectrum.
Is black that seven? Cause its cyan magenta yelow & red green blue.
I must find the answer. Somebody pls some hint.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Beezqp - 2007-05-16, 21:33
As I told before - use F16 ;p
DarkSTorM2000 - 2007-05-16, 22:56
Beezqp wrote:
As I told before - use F16 ;p

use F16 ???
god, what u mean ?
Sadamitsu - 2007-05-17, 00:16
How can 3 18 kids make so hard game ?
drkn - 2007-05-17, 00:25
its not hard
Beezqp - 2007-05-17, 00:26
its not game
DarkSTorM2000 - 2007-05-17, 00:38
no help ? :\
Sadamitsu - 2007-05-17, 00:43
Don't know what is f16 too.
Guys you realy help me :(
Beezqp - 2007-05-17, 00:51
Where is F16 in the riddle? And with very tight connection to the colors?
Dexil - 2007-05-17, 04:25
I do not know how F16 is supposed to help. I never had a keyboard with one, what does it do ? Do polish keyboard have this key ?

I had no problem with the previous riddles, but I have been stuck on this one for like 3 days and I do not see how the hints given above can help me...

yeah sure, we should have 6 instead of 7... but I do not see 7 anywhere
Beezqp - 2007-05-17, 10:38
F16 is not key, of course ;)

yeah sure, we should have 6 instead of 7... but I do not see 7 anywhere

That's truly the right way to solve this one. Just look more carefully and I am sure you will find seven where should be six. And still, remember about colors.
Sadamitsu - 2007-05-17, 12:16
I think i know the seven color but how can it help me???
Beezqp - 2007-05-17, 12:24
It's not about the seventh color of rainbow, try something different ;)
Muzozavr - 2007-05-17, 19:56
If the misleading hints of Beezqp don't help, try simply LOOKING *somewhere* again... but you'll have to be observant.
Beezqp - 2007-05-17, 20:58
Oh, misleading...? How dare you... :-P
DarkSTorM2000 - 2007-05-18, 04:29
ahhhh finally got it!! was pretty hard :)
drkn - 2007-05-18, 10:19
nope, was given straight
DarkSTorM2000 - 2007-05-19, 01:06
i know...but u have to look at the right place
paFci0 - 2007-05-19, 11:12
Actually, you have to look everywhere at every level to find the answer ;)
Sadamitsu - 2007-05-19, 11:20
I'm still stuck here :(
Btw if it's not game so what is it???
paFci0 - 2007-05-19, 11:23
It's riddle :> As Tynka said somewhere at forum - the most important hints are usually in source-code. So read it VERY CAREFULLY. Very. Or even more than very. If you find something what is wrong, and what is connected with 6 and 7 - that's it.
Muzozavr - 2007-05-22, 10:52
Unfortunately the 6 and 7 hint requires you to know about HTML. :(
Just be observant, it will come to you.
paFci0 - 2007-05-22, 13:56
Not exactly about HTML. Just about colours and one more thing. Of course, it's used in HTML, but not only. It's just one of ways to mwahahhaahahah deleted

And now, it is so easy to find that just impossible, not to do it. :P
moniareq - 2007-06-26, 12:33
Yeah... the answer will be simple and obvious, but I cannot figure it out.
< mad mad mad >
I do know what are the colours' names and what clues do the first letters of them create, but that's all

I do not have also any idea about that 6-7 stuff...
help? ^^
drkn - 2007-06-26, 12:38
just open your eyes
moniareq - 2007-06-26, 13:31
I've opened them...

my god...
one of my fav riddles:-)

so...simple and obvious...
no.8, here I come ^^
Pela - 2007-06-27, 23:06
Eh... Am I so stupid or something?
I've read all of these hints, but I still don't know how to solve this riddle :(
Help me plz ;)
Beezqp - 2007-06-27, 23:13
The answer is given straight... The thing you've to do is just to see it. All hints tell you where to look...
Pela - 2007-06-28, 22:04
:? O my Good... It was so obvious!
LenaKris - 2007-07-25, 21:49
how to understand where are the real hints and what of them are misleadings?
paFci0 - 2007-07-25, 21:56
The real hints are everywhere... Ok, most useful part of them is in the source-code. Find that seven where six should be.
chabas - 2007-07-25, 21:56
Hmm... There are many ways to solve that lvl... Try to scan that hint in source about 6 and 7?? :D

[ Added: 2007-07-25, 21:57 ]
paFci0 was faster :(
LenaKris - 2007-07-26, 00:43
It seems we've found the 6 and 7 stuff in the source....But don't know what to do with it now.
What part to take as the solution? :shock:
paFci0 - 2007-07-26, 09:52
Whole seven-pieces part. If you found good one - it looks familiar, doesn't it?
You don't know what to do? You found, you read, now it's time to write, huh? ;)
LenaKris - 2007-07-26, 13:38
paFci0 wrote:
Find that seven where six should be.

...if there had been 7th after 6th

These hints are rather contradictory :!:

<we are stuck>((((((((((
Beezqp - 2007-07-26, 14:09
If there had been in the "thing", where normally are 6.

In the riddle there are seven and that's what the mess is about.
LenaKris - 2007-07-26, 15:18
found that 7...
got another problem with a new foe...
and nothing can help me(

Got it :P
Annean - 2007-09-05, 04:03
Does anyone still post here?
Anyway, read all the hints. I must be over thinking this one, because I don't see anything obvious. Any more hints can be given without being a spoiler? Perhaps something about HTML, I don't know that much about it.

Beezqp - 2007-09-05, 08:28
!me! - 2007-09-07, 16:27
i feel so stupid... stuck on 7... found the [Weird that Beezqp didn't cut it earlier] still don't get it :/
killypumpkin - 2007-09-07, 17:23

I have discovered you have to do that often in this game.

And I"m still here I just found this game. Even though it's old.
!me! - 2007-09-07, 18:58
believe me i am looking again and again..... i know it has something to do with [---].... i guess it has somethng to do with the toy's last words and the 7 that should be 6? does it have to do with the spectrum... i am thinking the black in the spectrum....

[ Added: 2007-09-07, 19:10 ]
i am dying here!!!! :?
Beezqp - 2007-09-07, 19:13
The answer is right in the riddle, not to be figured out. Don't overthink, just look where you are told to!
!me! - 2007-09-07, 20:35
OK i can't believe it was so obvious..... :oops:
pepez - 2007-09-08, 18:07
okay, I decided to read these posts twenty times before posting myself..
Really, i can't figure this one out. Not even what to look for as a word for the next URL.. and reading all these hints i get confused:
Do I need to look at the spectrum and it's seven colours where you should see six because the others are invisible?
Or do I need to look at the text source and find strange combinations??
So do i need to look at colours or read odd words????????
Beezqp - 2007-09-08, 19:05
Two at once, but the second is better idea :P
pepez - 2007-09-08, 19:30
so should i forget about the colours, are they any help???
and what did you mean by 1337 earlier??
does it have anything to do with the 7 times < br > ???
or with ultraviolet or infrared???
paFci0 - 2007-09-08, 19:44
UV and IR aren't necessary in that level.
Don't forget about colours, just look for them in source carefully.
I haven't even known there are 7 <br> 's, so it's rather useless.
1337 - If you don't know what it is, check it. (Google helps a lot)
Raidmaster - 2007-09-08, 19:49
I'm your way.

What is the way? And when you'll know what is that thing, check source.
1337 :)

I think it is impossible to help more with this riddle.
pepez - 2007-09-08, 22:30
thnx a lot you guys, really..
and as noticed before, this one truely was brilliant...
paFci0 - 2007-09-08, 23:07
True. Brilliant one, probably everyone laugh as idiot if he find an answer after some days :D
DaWorm - 2007-09-20, 01:23
: Post subject: Found discrepancy, but...
still don't know what to do with it. I found something in the source code that looks like it doesnt belong, and it is in the -----. Now what? I know this is so obvious, but I just dont see it yet. Arrgh! (That's for national pirate day).

[ Added: 2007-09-19, 16:30 ]
Nevermind. Blah.
zbiniu - 2007-10-01, 21:23
can soe1 jsut hint how many words the password is? one word or 2 or 3??
Beezqp - 2007-10-05, 23:31
No as it's mostly spoiler ;) But I can tell you on PM...
Courtney - 2007-10-16, 22:51
: Post subject: ahhh stuck for days
please help! i've been stuck on this level for days. i've read all the hints, but really don't know. i noticed the color orange was missing from the spectrum but only got an egg page that said wrong way or something when i put the code in

i don't get it at all and need some big help please!!!
Orion - 2007-10-20, 20:27
I get the feeling that I'm missing something obvious. From reading the posts, this level is less about working out a solution (like the phone level) and more about just perceiving. I've yet to perceive though in the 4 plus hours I've been trying. Perhaps the try part is my problem . . .

Anyway - I just found Inward Helix yesterday and already think it's one of the best Riddle's I've done. Accessible to general internet users and just the right blend of easy and hard.

Good job.
Beezqp - 2007-10-20, 21:04
Nice to hear it... ;)

And what about this level... Find something wrong, unusual and senseless... Find it in a place related to the main themes [hints...] of this lev. It's hard to see it but if you find - you will be sure this is it.
Orion - 2007-10-20, 22:45
Found it.

A clue for others before I move on to the next level:

I figured out what the clue pointed to long before I figured out what to do with it. Indeed, the "try" was my problem, I tried to hard. I took what I found and then tried to do things with it, rather than just using it as it needed to be used.

Good luck.
bipolar - 2007-10-21, 12:34
I don't get it :?
I keep looking at the pic like an idiot, and I still see nothing useful :|
though I see a lot of things that are weird and senseless...
paFci0 - 2007-10-21, 13:02
Picture won't tell you an answer. Look deeper.
Strati - 2007-11-24, 20:25
Hint Circle - 42°
An hexcellent shade of green...maybe yellow...
BoxOut - 2008-07-23, 23:18
i got to the page with where there are number needed to be multiplied...will that help me?
Tynka - 2008-07-23, 23:29
math doesn't help here ;)
BoxOut - 2008-07-26, 15:09
any1 have any clue as what i should do i do on that page??
Beezqp - 2008-07-26, 15:11
Get a connotation or close it and back to the first page.
BoxOut - 2008-09-22, 01:33
i still dont get the orange missing on the spectrum?? i have no clue what to do right now!!!
Beezqp - 2008-09-22, 02:49
it's not about the spectrum you know...

Focus on colors and the fact that hellix is online riddle.
OlgaZzZ - 2008-12-27, 19:42
ok, i found this 7 where it should be 6.. So what can i do now? i put it in the url, i tried some combinations but it doesn't seem to work.. HELLLLPPPP!
Tynka - 2008-12-27, 19:58
look carefully and try once again... ;)
Beezqp - 2008-12-27, 20:01
for some the thing to do is obvious... for some not so. if you are out of ideas - google search is necessary.
OlgaZzZ - 2008-12-27, 20:35
I found ittttt!! Unbelievable riddle.. For the others, --- may help you.. But you have to be really observative in this riddle.. Pay attention in EVERYTHING
Leaf - 2008-12-29, 18:57
Strati wrote:
Hint Circle - 42°
An hexcellent shade of green...maybe yellow...

What are these hint circles?
And can I get some more help with this level? Nothing so far helped me, even though I have to help myself :)
OlgaZzZ - 2008-12-29, 21:14
Just be VERY VERY VERY observative to all the source code. And keep in mind ---- :P I know it seems very confusing but this level is very 'smart' ;)
Strati always gives the best hints!
Leaf - 2009-01-05, 19:12
Once again, what is Hint Circle? Or you can not tell because that would be a spoil? :) And is there any other hint you can give me? I'm looking in the source, I think I know what I have to look for but I just can't find anything.
Beezqp - 2009-01-05, 19:38
Hint Circles is pack of hints from Strati's pocket. Nothing special about them, they are just cool.
ruchi - 2009-01-14, 10:31
OK here I am.
i got to the page where there nine rows of letters but can't figure it out.
I've read this post and I've seen a lot of help with the colour thing but not after that.
I suppose that this is because it's very easy :roll:
Someone can help a little?

Forget that, finally I got it :P
See you on next levels
Leaf - 2009-01-14, 20:16
This is not fair, ruchi! I helped you with 5th level and now you went further than me :p I'm stuck on this level. Give me some hint. Anyone!
ruchi - 2009-01-14, 21:31
Hi leaf, for level 7 the most important hints (in my opinion):
think about colors
and the 7h, 6th thing
Keep looking for that and you'll find it
iznotgood - 2009-01-25, 00:02
Got it :)
Marlett - 2009-03-05, 17:22
Do I have to look for that oddity with 7 and 6 in source or on the page with numbers? I know that everything here is connected and you need to look everywhere but...oh God, how great would it be to know exactly...

can there be only letters in URL?

Xanax - 2009-03-05, 18:12
All you need is source code. Look for the answer. ;)

By the way, what page with numbers?
Tynka - 2009-03-05, 19:00
Xanax wrote:
By the way, what page with numbers?

hs ;)
Xanax - 2009-03-05, 20:37
Haha, I had never found that when I was on this level, but now I know (thanks Marlett :) ).
Marlett - 2009-03-06, 09:37
Gee, now I also can give hints to this lvl)
It would be really much easier for those, who know about ---. But you don't have to overthink...the answer has been glaring at you all that time

nathanzo - 2009-03-28, 23:35
Ok i need a hint BADLY; and when I say hint, I mean slap across the face with the answer!

I can't find the thing that is unusual or what 7 and 6 means; source code looks fine to mind - HELP!
Xanax - 2009-03-28, 23:46
Nobody will give you an answer, so you can stop asking.

I suggest that you should check the source again and again and again, until something will catch your attention.
nathanzo - 2009-03-28, 23:51
I didn't mean give me the answer; i meant give me something transparent so I know how to proceed. And trust me, I've read the souce A LOT - is it something strange about the HTML because I wouldn't recognise that!?

EDIT: Just got it, but I don't understand how the clues lead to it
Xanax - 2009-03-29, 00:05
This "transparent" thing is called a spoiler. ;)
highiq - 2009-07-21, 18:01
I have to go to the eye doctor. Some numbers are getting similar to letters for me :)
Vardark - 2009-07-22, 00:32
Just as you are supposed to look outside the spectrum, maybe you should take a look outside of the hints in the source too...
Silver107 - 2009-08-11, 23:43

Just look very closely.
th3reaper - 2009-08-12, 14:07
Ingenious, quite ingenious this is the first riddle game that has successfully challenged me. Very nice job creating this, was stuck on seven but now it all makes sense. :o
dummyisdumb - 2009-09-01, 00:10
I looked at all these clues confused. I came back the next day and I got it!

For all the people who are stuck, look everywhere for the color!

Don't think too much about the 7/6 hint unless it's obvious, in that case you don't need my help!
paras19 - 2009-10-27, 23:57
: Post subject: Please
Ok i don't get it... I found the Numbers in the sub level page, and nothing, i found a seven in the picture, the one from the level and nothing, and the source code its like chinese to me...

I counted every fucking think, and i found this ---, am i correct? if yes what do i need to do with this? i used html codes and that dont give me nothing, i used in the URL and nothing... And how can this help? I am your way.

Or for those who say you can tried to look at the pic the only thing strange that i saw is that in the hole pic there is only one small spot red, i'm in the wrong way right??

Tynka - 2009-10-28, 00:57
i think that my blue pencil is a big hint ;)

you found what you need :P just use it correctly ;)
paras19 - 2009-10-28, 07:21
i will need more closes because i don't know what is that, and how to use that, can someone give me an hint about html...

[ Added: 2009-10-28, 08:11 ]
CMON THATS NOT FAIR... thnk you 1337
ice_prodigy - 2010-01-09, 23:45
source of a page is a very mystic place :)
mtf264 - 2010-03-25, 13:27
There cant be a seventh 16...there are only 16777216 colours. hoping this egg page isnt the whole 7th, 6th problem you guys were talking about... maybe a little hint here?
Tynka - 2010-03-25, 14:19
maybe don't think about this hs too much...

just read the level source code very carefully
mtf264 - 2010-03-25, 23:47
okay... so back to the main page then.. im guesssing that it may be something linked to "(rhymes with chess)" and there are only 6 colours on the bar to the right??? can you help me get into the right frame of mind?
Xanax - 2010-03-26, 01:57
Just listen to Tynka's advice. Source is all you need, and don't think to much. ;)
mtf264 - 2010-03-27, 09:16
oh my... i almost feel like i should apologize for wasting your time with such an answer..solved. thanks alot guys
Scarlett57 - 2010-07-04, 22:16
nice lvl) it allmost killed my brain)
but, on my mind, you shoud give a hint about --- somewhere in the riddle...not only on forum...
Beezqp - 2010-07-04, 22:46
if i only remember correctly - there is. somewhere.
twistedbard - 2010-10-15, 18:43
ok, damnit. this is getting tiring. i've seen three total pages related to this level. it's possible that i've missed something but more likely that i just have no idea what to do with what i have. i've tried everything i can think of on every page that i know of. seriously, what teh f :!: k y'all?
Kmon - 2010-10-15, 19:30
Xanax wrote:
All you need is source code. Look for the answer. ;)

The question that needs an answer is there, too ;)
Hydrazine - 2010-10-30, 06:53
Sometimes it is VERY useful to read in-level text SLOWLY to one's self. My friend was able to figure this level out by doing that exact thing.
Lake - 2014-10-17, 20:27
This 7th after 6th hint is misleading, or am i doing it wrong? I found hexalent but kinda rude clue, got tons of letters for that, at the meantime found some X. And all of that has nothing to do with 6 or 7.

But i feel like there something i missing.

Oh i think i got.
Leaf - 2019-06-26, 03:18
Hi everyone! I'm back after 10 years, this game made such an impression on me but I just didn't come back until know... anyhow, seems like I'm still stuck on this level and cannot figure it out. I've read this thread sooooo many times and still nothing. Would someone throw me a bone, please? :) Also, glad to be back.
lla26 - 2019-06-29, 21:34
Leaf wrote:
Hi everyone! I'm back after 10 years, this game made such an impression on me but I just didn't come back until know... anyhow, seems like I'm still stuck on this level and cannot figure it out. I've read this thread sooooo many times and still nothing. Would someone throw me a bone, please? :) Also, glad to be back.
There's something wrong...

And honestly, some basic web-making skills would help.
Leaf - 2019-06-29, 21:51
lla26 wrote:
Leaf wrote:
Hi everyone! I'm back after 10 years, this game made such an impression on me but I just didn't come back until know... anyhow, seems like I'm still stuck on this level and cannot figure it out. I've read this thread sooooo many times and still nothing. Would someone throw me a bone, please? :) Also, glad to be back.
There's something wrong...

And honestly, some basic web-making skills would help.

Well that's just great. I know nothing about web making! Just tell me, is this part from source of big help:



Just tell me if here is the clue and, so God help me, I'll learn basics of web developing and HTML and whatever else just to get the answer.
lla26 - 2019-06-29, 21:54
Leaf wrote:
lla26 wrote:
Leaf wrote:
Hi everyone! I'm back after 10 years, this game made such an impression on me but I just didn't come back until know... anyhow, seems like I'm still stuck on this level and cannot figure it out. I've read this thread sooooo many times and still nothing. Would someone throw me a bone, please? :) Also, glad to be back.
There's something wrong...

And honestly, some basic web-making skills would help.

Well that's just great. I know nothing about web making! Just tell me, is this part from source of big help:



Just tell me if here is the clue and, so God help me, I'll learn basics of web developing and HTML and whatever else just to get the answer.
Remember the level's theme: leaving the spectrum... And why 7, when it should be 6?